Warrington South Dental Care Survey

I'm conducting a survey about the state of dental care in Warrington South. Over the last year, several constituents have expressed concern about accessing their Dentist as an NHS patient. 

I want to know if our current system is working in Warrington South, and if you feel you are getting the appropriate level of dental care.

Thank you for sharing your experience with me. 

Andy Carter 
Member of Parliament for Warrington South

Warrington South Dental Care survey

  • Current Dentistry survey
  • Your details
For dental care, I am:
If I have children under 18, one or more are:
In the past year, how many dental practices have you contacted in the last year to register as an NHS Patient or apply for a NHS Patient waiting list?
In the past year, after contacting the dentists about a problem I have received treatment within:
Overall, I think my dental practice offers good value for money
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am confident I would receive timely dental care in Warrington if I need it
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree